Bangladesh: Grain and Feed Update
Post's rice production estimate for marketing year (MY) 2018/19 (May-April) is revised slightly upward to 34.5 million metric tons (MMT) based on increased Aus rice production. Post raised MY 2018/19 rice imports to 0.8 million metric tons based on slightly increased demand until the next Aman rice harvest. In MY 2018/19 (July-June), the revised wheat production forecast is raised to 1.2 million tons due to an expected increased use of high yield varieties. In MY 2018/19 (May-April), Post’s corn area and production forecast are raised to 0.4 million hectares and 3.8 MMT, respectively, due to revised estimates in winter corn harvested area and production, revised summer corn harvested area, and increased yield in winter corn resulted from the adoption of new hybrid varieties.