Bangladesh: Grain and Feed Update
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For rice marketing year (MY) 2019/20 (May-April), Post’s production estimate is raised to 35.8 million metric tons (MMT), a 2.27 percent increase over 2018/19 production, due to increased Aus rice production and a forecasted strong Aman rice production year. Favorable weather conditions during the 2019/20 Aus and Aman seasons are the primary reason for the increase. For wheat MY 2019/20 (July-June), Post’s production area and production output estimates are increased by 340 thousand hectares (HA) and 1.2 MMT, respectively. Farmers are planning to expand cultivation area in the upcoming season because Bangladesh’s wheat blast concerns, which resulted in official Government announcements last year, have decreased this year. In corn MY 2019/20 (May-April), domestic production estimates are revised up to 4.7 MMT based on official data updates from the Ministry of Agriculture.