Bulgaria: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual
In MY2015/16 Bulgarian apple, pear and table grape production hit another record with an annual growth of the apple crop of seven percent pears 37 percent, and table grapes 130 percent. Prospects for MY2016/17 for the three major products are relatively good, however, average yields may decline due to spring hail storms and frost in some regions, as well as a hot and dry summer. Fresh consumption as well as consumption for processing continued to grow. Consumer demand exceeds local supply and imports increased. In MY2015/16 imports of apples increased by 17 percent and imports of pears by nine percent. In the middle of 2016 the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods revised its coupled support policy. It made eligibility requirements more stringent and reduced the subsidy rate under the program. Investment in the horticulture sector was encouraged through various programs with EU funds.