Bulgaria: Tree Nuts Annual
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The tree nut market in Bulgaria had a slow, but stable recovery in marketing year (MY) 2021/22 due to reopening of the food service industry and an improved tourist and travel season. However, economic challenges, food inflation, and high energy prices have negatively affected the demand for higher-end nuts. The tree nut market has steadily shifted to more retail sales, sales of less expensive nuts, and nuts for further processing for the confectionary industry. This favored demand for local nuts compared to higher quality/price imported product. Bulgaria’s imports of almonds in MY 2021/22 declined by 6 percent and U.S. exports to the market fell by 12 percent over the corresponding period in MY 2020/21, due to higher prices and supply chain issues. Imports of walnuts, however, are estimated to grow by 16 percent, and the U.S. has increased exports to a new record of 431 metric tons (MT) ($1.1 million). Domestic retail sales of nuts were estimated to grow by 7.7 percent in 2022 over 2021 to $65 million.