China: Food-grade Soy Demand Promising but Uncertainty Remains
ATO Beijing recently visited China’s major food-grade soy trade show, and spoke with local soy food producers to explore U.S. food-grade soybean export potential. Local contacts respect U.S. soybeans for their high quality, rich color and versatility in food processing. The local Huainan soybean is favored for its high protein content, however traders and food manufacturers are not pleased with its inconsistent quality. Contacts reported a strong interest to import U.S. soybeans, however they cautioned that purchases are held back by bilateral trade uncertainties and the lack of a low-level presence policy by China’s General Administration of Customs. Despite these obstacles, Post recommends that U.S. exporters maintain contact with potential importers and manufacturers, and also consider working with likeminded exporting countries (e.g., Canada) to further develop China’s growing market for imported food-grade soybeans.
China: Food-grade Soy Demand Promising but Uncertainty Remains