Clone of Serbia: Grain and Feed Annual
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Farmers in Serbia are preparing for spring planting that should take place at the beginning of April. On March 15, Serbia imposed a state of emergency that includes a police curfew due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This will likely delay spring planting due to limitations on the movement of farmers, the lack of seasonal workers and difficulties in obtaining planting material. Marketing year (MY) 2019/20 wheat crop was average at an estimated 2.5 million metric tons (MMT), 22 percent lower than MY2018/19, which was one of the largest in over twenty years at an estimated 3.2 million metric tons (MMT). MY2020/21 wheat planted area is reported to be same as last year or approximately 570,000 hectares (HA). For MY 2019/20, corn production reached a level of 7.7 MMT. That is nearly 10 percent more than in MY 2018/9, which was recorded as good year for corn production. For MY2020/21, it is expected that corn planted area will be similar to last year at about 950,000 HA.