Denmark: The Organic Food Market in Denmark
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The organic market in Denmark is often seen as a success model for the organic industry. Over 11 percent of agricultural farmland in Denmark is used for organic production. Denmark is the seventh largest organic consumer market in the EU which is impressive given the fact it only has 5.6 million consumers. As a percentage of overall food, organic products account for 12 percent of Danish food sales. Most of the sales of organic foods in Denmark are generated by regular food retailers, 1,935 million USD. The growing demand for organic products in Denmark, in combination with the U.S.-EU equivalency agreement, is expected to lead to more trade opportunities for U.S. exporters. There are opportunities for U.S. exporters of fresh produce, pulses, tree nuts, specialty grains, healthy snack options, confectionery products, and (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) beverages.