EU-28: Grain and Feed Annual
Following good planting conditions in the fall and a mild winter across the EU28, the current outlook for the MY2016/17 EU28 grain crop is positive. If there is any concern it is that the EU28 grain crop is ahead of normal and could be susceptible to damage from a cold snap. Spring planting is now under way. Total feed grain consumption in MY2016/17 is forecast marginally down on the high levels seen in the previous two seasons but with a partial reversal of the switch away from corn to wheat being seen in MY2015/16. Following a slight, against trend, decline in industrial grain usage in MY2015/16, it is again forecast to rise in MY2016/17. With exports currently down year-on-year in MY2015/16, ending stocks high, and another large crop forecast for MY2016/17, the EU28 is currently forecast to remain a significant player on export markets next season.