Hong Kong: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional Annual
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In the first ten months of 2024, U.S. exports of consumer-oriented food and beverages to Hong Kong reached nearly $1 billion, on par with the same period in 2023. Hong Kong restaurant receipts declined slightly to $10.5 billion in the first three quarters of 2024 due to lower consumer discretionary spending. Hong Kong’s economy is expected to grow 2.5 percent in 2024, and some industry contacts are cautiously optimistic that increased visitors, particularly from mainland China, will increase hotel and food service revenues in 2025. This report provides background on Hong Kong’s hotel, restaurant, and institutional food service sector and prospects for U.S. food and beverage products. This report refers to both calendar year 2023 and partial calendar year 2024 data to provide appropriate comparisons and up-to-date market information.