Indonesia: Biofuels Annual
Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) reports that 2016 biodiesel production reached 3.656 billion liters. Post expects 2017 biodiesel production to decline to 2.9 billion liters based on MEMR reports that biodiesel procurement will decline slightly. 2018 biodiesel production is estimated at 3.3 billion liters, assuming average production, the prevalence of minimal export demand and stable domestic consumption. Likewise, MEMR data states that 2016 biodiesel consumption reached 3.008 billion liters, while 2017 consumption is expected to drop to 2.8 billion liters based on MEMR reports of slightly lower demand. Trade data states that Indonesia’s 2016 exports reached 478 million liters. First quarter 2017 biodiesel exports are low, likely in response to low fossil diesel prices. As a result, Post expects that 2017 exports will decline to 200 million liters. 2018 exports are projected to remain at 200 million liters, assuming stable diesel prices and no changes to importing countries biofuels policies.