Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Annual
Pakistan’s MY 2016/17 vegetable oil imports are forecast to be a record 3.3 million metric tons, up 9.6 percent from a year ago. Palm oil continues to be the major imported oil accounting for 95 percent of imports. Soybean oil imports are expected to increase to 300,000 MT in MY 2016/17. Given a duty structure that favors soybean imports over soybean meal and the poultry industry’s rising inclusion of soybean meal in its feed rations, MY 2016/17 soybean imports are projected at a record 2.0 million metric tons. Cottonseed continues to be Pakistan’s largest domestically produced oilseed and is expected to reach 3.9 million metric tons in 2016/17. In general, all signs point to continued growth in demand for products with the oilseed complex. Growing and modernizing poultry, dairy, and possibly beef sectors suggest that demand for oilseed meals will grow and rising Gross Domestic Product bodes well for slow but steady growth in the consumption of vegetable oils.
Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Annual