Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Annual
Pakistan’s imports of oilseeds are expected to exceed edible oil imports for the first time ever in marketing year 2017/18, reflecting the growing importance of oilseed meals to the domestic poultry and livestock sectors and rising domestic oil production from imported seeds. Oilseeds imports during 2018/19 are projected at a record 3.7 million metric tons, up 12 percent from the preceding year. Palm oil continues to be the major imported oil with marketing year 2018/19 imports forecast at 3.4 million metric tons. Pakistan continues to shift from imports of soybean meal to imports of soybeans in response to a change in the tariff and tax structure three years ago. Given the poultry industry’s rising inclusion of soybean meal in its feed rations, marketing year 2018/19 soybean imports are forecast at a record 2.5 million metric tons. Cottonseed continues to be Pakistan’s largest domestically produced oilseed and is expected to reach 3.8 million metric tons in 2018/19. In general, all signs point to sustained growth in demand for products within the oilseed complex.
Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Annual