Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Annual
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Edible oil and oilseeds are among the largest food and feed imports into Pakistan. Edible oil imports during 2020/21 are anticipated at a record 3.55 million metric tons (MMT), up five percent over the previous year. Palm oil continues to be the major imported oil with imports during MY 2020/21 forecast at 3.45 MMT. Oilseed imports during 2020/21 are projected at 3.3 MMT, up six percent from the preceding year. Increased oilseed imports reflect the growing importance of oilseed-based meals to the poultry and livestock sectors and growing domestic oil production. In response to a favorable tariff structure, Pakistan’s crushing industry has developed the infrastructure to shift from imported soybean meal to soybeans. As a result of the poultry industry’s rising inclusion of soybean meal in its feed rations and its use in livestock and aquaculture sectors, MY 2020/21 soybean imports are projected at 2.5 MMT.
Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Annual