Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual
2015/16 Paraguayan soybean area is forecast at 3.6 million hectares, a nine percent increase in soybean area compared with 2014/15 estimates, based on expanded area for second crop soybeans. 2015/16 production is forecast at a record 9.2 million metric tons (mmt), with crushing forecast at a record 4.6 mmt, the projected norm for the near future. Subsequently, 2015/16 exports are poised to favor meal and oil exports, forecast at 3.2 mmt and 800,000 mt respectively, over whole bean soybean exports, forecast at a steady 4.2 mmt. 2014/15 soybean production is estimated at 8.5 mmt, already incorporating both the adverse weather impact and the second crop soybean boost.
Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual