Portugal: The Portuguese Food Ingredients Sector
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The food and beverage manufacturing industry is one of the key sectors of Portuguese economy. In 2017, the food industry represented 14.5 percent of total manufacturing sales; it also represented Portugal’s main industrial production activity. In 2019, the national food and beverage industry exported $6.1 million worth of products against a total $9.1 million of imported products. Over the last few years, the national food industry has made considerable investments to improve its products’ nutritional profile. As a result, food operators have innovated and developed a wide range of food products tailored to consumers’ dietary needs and concerns. Food operators have also become very competitive in proving their environmental efforts by developing ambitious long-term sustainable policies. This report analyzes key segments of the national food market: meat and fruits, which largely depend on imported ingredients. The following is a commissioned report prepared in collaboration with Arcadia International.