Russia: Grain and Feed Annual
Assuming average weather conditions during the growing season, FAS/Moscow forecasts Russia’s 2016 grain and pulses production at 101 million metric tons (MMT), a 2 percent decrease from the crop in 2015 but still higher than the previous five-year average of 93 MMT. Overall the MY 2016/17 forecast, by crop, is: wheat - 58 MMT (3 MMT lower than last year but still higher than the 5-years average of 53 MMT); barley - 18 MMT (1 MMT more than in 2015); corn - 12.5 MMT (0.7 MMT less than in 2015); rye - 2.5 MMT; oats - 4.8 MMT; milled rice - 0.73 MMT (1.12 MMT in rough weight); and approximately 4 MMT of other grains and pulses. Grain exports for MY 2016/17 are forecast at 30 MMT, just 1.6 MMT less than the 2015/16 estimated exports of 31.6 MMT’s.