Russia: Grain and Feed Annual
Assuming average weather conditions during the growing season, FAS/Moscow forecasts Russia’s 2018/19 grain and pulses production at 123.68 million metric tons (MMT), 10.3 MMT less than the record crop in 2017/18 but still higher than any other crops since 1978. Post estimates the wheat crop in MY 2018/19 at 74 million MT, 11 MMT lower than in MY 2017/18 both due to smaller harvested area, 2.6 MHA and closer to average yield given normal weather conditions. Barley acreage is set to increase but weaker yield translates into smaller production. Corn production is expected to increase significantly to 16.4 MMT due to increased production area and strong yield compared with unfavorable MY 2017/18 due mainly to wet and cold weather. Total grain exports for MY 2018/19 are forecast at 48.55 MMT, including 36 MMT of wheat. Our forecast for grain exports is slightly lower than the MY 2017/18 estimate based on high wheat ending stocks in MY 2017/18, improved corn supply and stable grain consumption in the Russian Federation.