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From May 15-24, 2014, ATO Chengdu led a trade mission of 14 retail sector professionals to the Sweets & Snacks Expo (SSE) in Chicago, Illinois, followed by business visits in California and New York.
Global wine trade climbed to a record 5 billion liters in 2013, up 75 percent from little more than a decade ago.
Tangjiuhui (China Food and Drinks Fair) is a semiannual event held every autumn and spring in China.
Exports of high-value, processed food products have been a significant contributor to the strongest five-year period for agricultural exports in U.S. history.
Demand for food and agricultural products has been soaring in northeast China, making it an attractive market for U.S. exporters.
China’s MY2013/14 fresh potato production is forecast stable at 81 million metric tons (MMT) but growth in processing potatoes remains constrained by limited supply and inadequate storage facilities. China’s MY2013/14 potato starch imports are...
Post forecasts a slight decline in China's apple production. Pear production should increase slightly. Market access issues still thwart U.S. apple imports, but demand for U.S. grapes is growing.
Despite the fact that U.S. poultry exports to China are competitively priced, they are challenged by trade barriers.
Post forecasts that China's raisin production will increase by 10 percent in the 2013/14 marketing year due to good weather in Xinjiang, the largest producing area.
Post forecasts that China's ethanol and biodisel production will both increase by 5 percent in 2013 as China strives to reduce its fossil fuel use.
While EU demand for imported soybeans has fallen, the U.S. industry adjusted to meet rising demand elsewhere in the world.
China is expected to remain a significant importer of biotech products and may become an exporter of biotechnology in the medium to long term.