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The Ministry of Agriculture foresees a slight decline in the MY2016/2017 grain production because of drought conditions and as result of a lack of rain in production areas of Algeria.
2015/2016 wheat production is estimated at 5.6 million metric tons (mmt), down 6 percent from the previous year as some producer switch to more profitable crops like corn and soybeans.
Post concurs with the official USDA estimates for wheat, corn and rice. MY16/17 wheat and corn imports are expected to increase from the previous year’s level...
Timely spring rains and mild temperatures have contributed to improve yields expectations after a rather dry winter.
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
Corn production is likely to increase slightly in marketing year (MY) 2016/17 (October/September) to 24.2 MMT, mostly due higher planted area than initially anticipated...
Graphic illustrating the total export of U.S. agricultural products to Japan, including the total value and top 5 commodities.
The Government of India’s third advance estimate marginally lowered Indian crop year 2015/16 (JulyJune) grain production to 252.2 MMT, but marginally higher than last year’s production.
G7 Agricultural Ministers Meeting; NAEGA Event Gathers Local Grain Traders in Tokyo; ATO Japan Holds First Food Ingredient Seminar in Tokyo; Natto Competition Award Ceremony
MY2016/17 rice production is revised down to 17 million metric tons due to water shortages.
Production of rice, beans, and pulses is forecast to decline in MY 2015/16 due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Post continues to forecast MY 2016/17 wheat production at 88 million metric tons (MMT) based on the initial harvest reports from the major producing states.