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India is a small and growing market for imported consumer food products. India’s modern retail sector is expanding and young and higher income consumers are trying global cuisines.
Total wheat production for Turkey is forecast at 17.5 MMT in MY2016/17. Barley production in Turkey is forecast at 4.75 MMT in MY2016/17, down 35 percent from the MY2015/16 estimate.
Notable updates for MY 2016/17 include an increase in Korean wheat consumption to 4.9 Million Metric Tons (MMT), due to anticipated increases in consumption of competitively-priced feed grade wheat.
Export prices for white rice remained unchanged as the public tender for 2.2 million metric tons of old-crop rice has not yet been finalized.
2015/2016 wheat production is estimated at 5.6 million metric tons (mmt), down 6 percent from the previous year as some producer switch to more profitable crops like corn and soybeans.
Export prices remained unchanged as traders are awaiting the new public tender for 2.2 million metric tons of government stocks.
Post concurs with the official USDA estimates for wheat, corn and rice. MY16/17 wheat and corn imports are expected to increase from the previous year’s level...
Export prices declined around 1 percent as the government is expected to issue a public tender for 2.2 million metric tons on June 15, 2016.
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
Corn production is likely to increase slightly in marketing year (MY) 2016/17 (October/September) to 24.2 MMT, mostly due higher planted area than initially anticipated...
The report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grades and destinations, and weekly quotes for export rice by grades.
Export prices remained steady as traders waited for the government to finalize the bids for the 1.2 million metric tons of rice announced in the public tender issued on May 19.