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The report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grades and destinations, and weekly quotes for export rice by grades.
Export prices for most grades of white rice remained unchanged. The government sold 203,000 metric tons of rice stocks as expected by traders last week.
The minimum support prices (MSP) for rabi (winter planted) crops for MY 2015/16 have been raised; the MSP for wheat by INR 500 per metric ton to 14,500 ($236) per metric ton.
The Thai Government is considering measures to support MY 2014/15 rice prices but at much lower prices than in previous years and with stricter conditions.
Wheat production for 2014-15 is forecast at 12.5 million tons, 500,000 tons higher than USDA.
Jordan’s domestic production of cereals is negligible. This report covers Jordan’s production, supply and demand of wheat, barley, corn and rice.
Post expects imports of yellow corn, rice, and wheat to continue strong in My 2014/14, assuming availability of foreign exchange.
As Japan’s Ministry of Finance announced import statistics ending June 2014 for wheat, Post has finalized the 2013/2014 marketing year (MY) import number in its PS&D.
Export prices of white rice declined 2 to 3 percent in anticipation of further sales of government stocks from the public tender on Tuesday, October 28.
Australian wheat production for 2014-15 is expected to fall to 24 million tons due to lower than expected rainfall and declining yields.
Export prices declined slightly in anticipation of a new public tender this week.
Based on the officially reported data on grain harvest progress, FAS/Moscow increased its forecast of Russia’s total grain crop in MY 2014/15 by 2 million metric tons (MMT) to 101 MMT.