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In Nicaragua, imports of genetically engineered crops (GE) are limited to use as animal feed.
The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) agreement will enter into force on December 30, 2018, and a free trade agreement between Japan and the European Union....
Post estimates Polish corn production in marketing year (MY) 2018/19 at 3.2 million metric tons (MMT), a 20 percent decrease from MY 2017/18.
Guatemala has a population of almost 17 million inhabitants and approximately 5 million live in Guatemala City where most of the new hotels and restaurants are located in the country.
In March 2018, the Chinese State Council announced a governmental reorganization aimed at improving efficiency and customer service.
There is no legal impediment to use of biotechnology. Genetically engineered (GE) corn field trials were successfully completed.
Court injunctions against genetically engineered (GE) corn trials continue to affect Mexican producers and the scientific community, as field trails of GE corn are suspended.
FAS/Canada anticipates increased total wheat area planted to drive up total wheat production in marketing year 2018/19, more than offsetting lower yields on difficult harvest conditions.
In Marketing Year (MY) 2018/19, heavy rains during the planting season caused farmers to opt out of the government program to reduce rice acreage and continue planting rice.
On October 3, 2018, the Government of India raised the minimum support prices (MSP) for the select upcoming rabi (winter-planted) crops.
The Dominican Republic continues to be a strong market for U.S. bulk agricultural products (corn), intermediate goods (soybean meal) and high value consumer-oriented products....
Due to relatively high stock levels that are suppressing local corn prices, Post estimates that South Africa’s commercial corn producers will cut area by 10 percent to 2.1 million hectares....