Serbia: CSSF Animal Genetics and Nutrition Workshop in Kraljevo and Novi Sad
On June 8 and 9, FAS Belgrade organized using FY2016 CSSF funds two seminars on dairy livestock genetics and feed nutrition in Kraljevo (Central Serbia) and Novi Sad (Vojvodina/North Serbia), which collectively supply over 60 percent of all milk produced in Serbia. Guest experts Dr. Martin Sieber, representative of U.S. Livestock Genetics Export Inc. (USLGE) and Mr. Kirk Miller, representative of the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA), highlighted the importance of high-quality U.S. genetics and nutrition for improving milk production. FAS Belgrade local partners were the Veterinary Institute Kraljevo and Department of Animal Science, Agriculture Faculty, University of Novi Sad. Audience included more than 100 dairy farmers, dairy industry representatives, cattle feed producers, veterinarians, extension service experts and academia.
Serbia: CSSF Animal Genetics and Nutrition Workshop in Kraljevo and Novi Sad