Turkey: Oilseeds and Products Update
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With favorable weather conditions and an expansion in the area harvested, Turkey’s sunflowerseed production is forecast to hit a record of 1.9 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 2022/23. Production of sunflower meal and oil are likewise projected at record highs. In parallel with the projected increase in production, the MY 2022/23 sunflowerseed import forecast is lowered to 1.0 MMT. Notwithstanding this revision, the revised import forecast is about 30 percent higher than the previous year, assuming the Ukrainian grain corridor remains open and fully operational. Meantime, with the disruption of sunflowerseed imports from Ukraine earlier this calendar year, Turkey started importing more sunflower oil from Russia. For September-July of MY 2021/22, imports of sunflower oil were up about 50 percent from the same time the previous year.