Ukraine: Poultry and Products Semi-annual
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Ukraine’s chicken meat production and export will continue to grow in 2020, but at a somewhat slower rate. At the same time, Ukraine will remain an importer of cheap offal, predominantly from the European Union (EU). In late 2019, Ukraine and the EU finalized a new, increased, tariff rate quota (TRQ) for exports of Ukrainian poultry parts. However, 2019 exports to the EU will exceed this new agreed upon TRQ due to shipments made prior to the new agreement. The share of Ukrainian poultry exports destined for the EU will continue to shrink in 2020. Ukraine will concentrate on markets in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. Domestic consumption of cheap parts and offal will grow insignificantly, due to income growth. The High Path Avian Flu outbreaking January 2020 will have only a moderately negative impact on 2020 exports.