Bronaugh Leads U.S. Delegation to UN Food Systems Pre-Summit in Rome
In the leadup to the United Nations Food Systems Summit in September, U.S. government officials took part in the Pre-Summit Ministerial meeting in Rome July 26-28. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Dr. Jewel Bronaugh led the U.S. delegation in advancing proposals, building coalitions, and seeking solutions to end hunger and poverty and build more sustainable, equitable and resilient food systems.
“Through the Food Systems Summit, we have an opportunity to collectively refocus the world’s attention on ending hunger and poverty and building more sustainable, equitable, and resilient food systems. At the Pre-Summit in Rome, we’ve been working with other countries and delegates to build coalitions and consensus around shared priorities, including hunger and nutrition, climate change, and inclusion and equity,” Bronaugh said.
“In addition, we remain focused on some key principles that underpin these priorities, including leading with science and innovation, enabling trade, and enhancing rural infrastructure and investment,” she added.
U.S. National Statement Delivered by Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Jewel Bronaugh