Global Methane Pledge: From Moment to Momentum

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The livestock and dairy industries are a key part of the climate solution, implementing systems and practices that reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, including methane. At COP26 in November 2021, the European Union, the United States, and other partners committed to reduce methane emissions by at least 30 percent below 2020 levels by 2030.

In the year since it launched, the Global Methane Pledge has generated unprecedented momentum for methane action.  Country endorsements of the GMP have grown from just over 100 last year to 150, more than 50 countries have developed national methane action plans or are in the process of doing so, substantial new financial resources are being directed to methane action, and partners have launched “pathways” of policies and initiatives to drive methane reductions in key methane-emitting sectors.

Global Methane Pledge: From Moment to Momentum (State Department) - November 17, 2022

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