Liberia Award07-054P

IFB #:
Tender Date:
Award Date:
Award Flag:
Muller Shipping Corporation
Invitation #:
Food for Progress


07-054P Liberia Award
January 24, 2008

Award 07-054P Liberia

CR-07-00834 ACDI Liberia

1,000 NMT BD - Bags (50 Kg)
6,400 NMT MR - Bags (50 Kg)
FAS Vessel Port: Jacintoport, TX
Ocean Carrier: Sealift Inc.
Vessel/Flag: Advantage / USA (P1)
Booked Rate/GMT: $267.25 (Ocean $262.25 / Non-Ocean $5.00)

360 NMT MR - Bags (50 Kg)
FAS Vessel Port: Houston, TX
Ocean Carrier: Maersk Line
Vessel/Flag: SL Florida (P3)
Booked Rate/GMT: $170.00 (Ocean $164.00 / Non-Ocean $6.00)

07-054P Liberia Tender
November 20, 2007

Freight Tender
IFB Number: 07-054P
Program: Food for Progress
Country: Liberia
Date: November 20, 2007
Solicitation Number: 117C
Issued By: Muller Shipping Corporation
On Behalf of: ACDI/VOCA

To determine lowest landed cost, all carriers are required to submit offers electronically for the cargoes advertised by this tender via the USDA Freight Bid Entry System (FBES) for the Solicitation Number(s) referenced above. All offers are subject to all requirements of FBES and of the afore-mentioned Solicitation(s), including the deadline(s) for submission of bids therein. Freight offers are due no later than 3:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time (4:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time) on November 27, 2007.

Offers from NVOCCs will not be considered. Shipper reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers.

Availability/At Port Date for commodity deliveries F.A.S. vessel for this Solicitation is February 5, 2008 but supplier contracts for delivery may allow for earlier shipment from origin points. The potential shipping periods for bids at the plant or bridgepoint locations can be found in the commodity solicitation. Carriers awarded cargo bookings will be required to provide an acceptable vessel loading schedule and to receive cargoes in accordance with USDA-supplier contractual shipping dates and delivery terms.

FBES can be accessed through the following website:

Carriers must be assigned a logon ID and password to access FBES. Contact the following individuals regarding logon IDs, passwords, and FBES questions or concerns:

Melvin Smith - (816)926-6212 /
Teresa Hansen - (816)926-2605 /
Gary Marsden - (816)926-6043 /
Alan Grote - (816)926-6078 /


FARES No.: CR-07-00834
1,000 MT Bread Flour in 50 Kg Bags
8,300 MT Rice in 50 Kg Bags

Delivery: Monrovia, Liberia

Discharge Terms: BN Part II Option 2.(A)(ii) if containerized, 2.(A)(i) with direct discharge to receivers trucks, if breakbulk. Receivers indicate, without guarantee, an average takeaway rate of 1,200 MT/day.

Pre-Shipment Inspection may be required by importing country, and if so, will be arranged by Shipper. Carriers intending to containerize the commodities must coordinate with Shippers Forwarding Agent to assure PSI is completed before commodities are containerized.

Discharge of non-containerized cargoes to be restricted to daylight hours only. All commodities are requested to arrive on the same vessel.

Fumigation required on all bagged commodities.

LDA Applicable.

DDA Not Applicable.


A. Dispute Resolution: Part II Clause 27.(A) [Arbitration] to be applicable to any contract(s) awarded under this IFB.

B. For any bookings made under any of the options in Part II Clause 2.(B)or 2.(C) [Discharge/Delivery Terms] the Carrier is responsible for all charges for delivery to the final point named in the bill of lading, return or repositioning of any equipment, including container and chassis, all costs associated with any container yard or other facility where the equipment is staged until final delivery, and all equipment costs.

C. All carriers awarded cargoes to any destination will be required to cooperate with Receivers surveyors and to allow surveyors access to cargoes, including on-board vessels when shipped breakbulk or when containers are carried aboard a non-cellurized vessel.

Not applicable to any commodities covered by this IFB.

E. Any cargoes allocated basis FAS Houston (HOUS) must be handled in accordance with Notice to the Trade EOD-150 dated September 23, 2004, available at

F. Whenever fumigation is required it is to be arranged and paid for by the ocean carrier (except as otherwise provided by EOD-83 when applicable), it must be witnessed and certified by an FGIS inspector, and certificates evidencing that this has been accomplished must be furnished when original bills of lading are released.


1. Commodities covered by this IFB must be inspected by APHIS/PPQ or other such authorities prior to loading so that a Phytosanitary Certificate can be issued. Such inspection must take place not more than thirty (30) days prior to the cargo being loaded aboard the vessel at the port of export. Carriers intending to load these cargoes into containers, LASH barges, or otherwise unitize cargoes in a way that will prohibit or restrict inspections without sustaining additional costs will be required to bear all such additional expenses if this is done before inspections are effected or if cargoes are not loaded on-board a vessel within the period specified above following inspection.

2. Evaluation and contract award: offers which do not comply with mandatory requirements of this IFB, including but not limited to the minimums and maximums specified above, will not be considered. Offers must include full particulars demonstrating the willingness and ability to meet these requirements. The shipper reserves the right to award without discussion. Award(s) will be to the lowest responsive offeror meeting the mandatory requirements of this IFB.

3. Prior to cargo booking awards, Offerer will be required to provide named vessel(s) with reasonable and acceptable loading schedules and transit times. For vessels not in a regularly scheduled liner service, this to include vessels current position and full itinerary from date of booking until arrival at the port of discharge (or place of final delivery if beyond the discharge port). Carrier also to provide full particulars on vessel owner's company including officers, address and bank reference (unless already on file).

4. Booked rates are to be all-inclusive and stated per gross metric ton. All-inclusive rates which include costs for services other than port to port ocean transportation must include a breakdown of the ocean charge component and each of the following other charges, as applicable: domestic inland transportation, foreign inland transportation, application of desiccants, fumigation or destination bagging. No minimum bill of lading quantities or charges or minimum container quantities or charges to apply.

5. Total commissions 2.5%. If offered direct, 2.5% to Muller Shipping Corporation. If offered through a broker, 2/3 of 2.5% to Muller Shipping Corporation, and 1/3 of 2.5% to owners broker.

6. Except to the extent as provided above, all awards under this IFB, will be subject to the terms and conditions of Part II of the U.S. Food Aid Booking Note dated November 1, 2004 which are fully incorporated herein. A copy of these terms and conditions may be obtained from For further information call 516-256-7700.




New Tenders and Awards


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for through WEBSCM.