Dairy Import Licensing Program
Import licensing is one of the tools USDA uses to administer the tariff-rate quota (TRQ) system for U.S. imports of dairy products. For dairy products subject to TRQs, importers are generally required to obtain a license from FAS to take advantage of low-tier tariff rate. Importers must apply for a license annually between Sept. 1 and Oct. 15.
Under the TRQs, the low-tier rate applies to imports up to a specified quantity. A high-tier rate applies to any imports in excess of that amount. No license is required to import products at the high-tier rate, to import products for an agency of the U.S. government, or to import products for personal use, as long as net weight does not exceed 5 kilograms (11 pounds) in any one shipment.
TRQs replaced Section 22 import quotas for dairy products on Jan. 1, 1995, as a result of the Uruguay Round Agreement. TRQ rates and quantities vary by product.
Agricultural Trade License Administration System (ATLAS)
The ATLAS portal allows U.S. dairy importers to manage their licenses and information.