
U.S. Trade with Djibouti in 2023

Export Market Rank
#84 Among U.S. Agricultural Export Markets
Total Export Value
$56.92 Million
3-Year Average
$64.48 Million
Compound Average Growth
3.7% (2014-2023)
Total Export Value 2014 - 2023
Export Value by Commodity 2023

Top 10 Exports to Djibouti in 2023

Commodity Total Value (USD) Total Volume (Metric Tons) 10-Year Average Value (USD) 10-Year Growth
Coarse Grains (excl. corn) $23.66 Million 75,730 $11.34 Million 140%
Vegetable Oils (excl. soybean) $11.87 Million 5,380 $11.99 Million 37%
Other Intermediate Products $8.63 Million 3,790 $7.57 Million 7%
Pulses $6.32 Million 8,361 $8.01 Million -25%
Cotton $4.11 Million 1,250 $1.4 Million 1097%
Rice $1.74 Million 2,215 $416,735 803%
Dairy Products $197,953 54 $165,148 ---
Poultry Meat & Prods. (excl. eggs) $117,307 84 $106,804 ---
Essential Oils $56,450 6 $150,232 -48%
Condiments & Sauces $43,826 20 $104,501 -57%

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