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Export prices for most grades of rice further declined 1 to 2 percent, except for fragrant rice prices, which increased significantly.
Taiwan continues to be a top export market for U.S. grains
Japan’s current renewable energy policy focuses on generating power from solar, wind, biomass and geothermal sources.
Export prices declined 1 percent due to a lack of new inquiries.
China’s corn market is driven by a perfect storm of policy shifts, adverse weather conditions and logistical bottlenecks.
Export prices remain under downward pressure as supplies of MY2016/17 off-season rice are entering the market.
The EU28 grain harvest is now under way in most Member States.
Export prices further declined two to three percent largely due to a lack of new inquiries. Additionally, the results of the July 25 Philippine import tender has put downward pressure on Thai rice....
Argentine wheat production for the 2017/18 season is forecast at 16.65 million tons, 850,000 tons lower than USDA as Post estimates a smaller production area.
The dry season is arriving later than average throughout Indonesia, thus allowing the expansion of third cycle crop plantings on unirrigated lands.
MY2016/17 rice and corn production is well underway due to favorable precipitation.
Timely and adequate 2017 monsoon through the third week of July supported normal planting of most grains, including rice and corn, in the ongoing MY 2017/18 kharif season (fall harvested) crops.